Let’s Have A Chat With The Feisty, Fed Up Femme.

Dear friends, Welcome. It is with utter gratitude that I welcome you to my ted talk (but not really, but get ready). Catcalling. We know it. We experience it. We endure. Everything from the “Hey beautiful” to the “Hey bitch, why are you ignoring me.” all the way to...

Same Bird

This is raw.  I apologize in advance, but these thoughts have been buzzing around in my head for a minute now, and I felt that this forum was one where I could express them, get them out, and hopefully put into words things that others might be feeling too. ...

Moving Into Risk

Hi gang!  I’m ridiculously excited to connect with you.  Hopefully things are fantastic, you are enjoying summer and walking a bit on the wild side.  Its summertime and something magical happens when sun rays hit the skin and sand lands in the...

The Beauty of Letting Go

Did you ever hear that quote “winners never quit and quitters never win?” It’s an old Vince Lombardi quote. Well, I’ve lived my life by that adage. I think I was born with an innate drive to finish everything I start. From as far back as I can remember, I have had...

Raw Truths

Every day when someone asks what I am taking my medication for, and I explain I have anxiety & depression; I always get asked “What does that feel like?” or “Are you ok?”. I’m never really sure how to explain that, and as I take you through my little journey,...

Let’s Talk Mental Health…with Tristan Coopersmith

We’re doing our part to honor Mental Health Awareness Month here at the Daily Feels.  Many of our bloggers have shared their mental health journey and today, we turn our platform over to an expert.  Tristan Coopersmith is a psychotherapist in Los Angeles and...