The process of letting go can be demanding and timely. How many times have we looked inside our closets or junk drawers and said to ourselves that we wished it were clear? Such things often bring procrastination, but it is an important process for our spiritual growth. This process can go deep and there may be grief, especially in circumstances that involve an emotional connection. Still, I must trudge through while visualizing the job finished. 

Recently, I did such a clearing-out task. It started easy as I removed items that I didn’t need anymore. The toughest ones to assess were the ones to which I had an attachment too, such as a wheatback penny. The endeavor was completed successfully, and I was able to organize the area without clutter.

Going deeper, letting go of emotional connections are trying. There are items I have that belong to family members who have passed. The ones I chose bring joy to me, but the memory of my loved one still resides in me.

A trail through a forest

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The process of letting go is especially hard when it involves someone close. This past February, we had to say goodbye to one of our cats, Shasta. I still remember the day back in June 2009 when we adopted her from a cat rescue at nine weeks old. She was so tiny and wouldn’t let me hold her. But I saw the sparkle in her eyes that was breathtaking.

That sparkle never left her and even in her latter days, she still wanted life and her eyes reflected that. I have never known a more determined cat and I’ve been a cat parent for many years. She brought us so much joy and after a while allowed us to pick her up and cuddle her.

A black cat sitting on a tree branch

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To help heal, I dove into my writing and through it was able to let go of emotional pain. I will always carry a piece of my kitty in my heart. By working through the heartache, I can now appreciate the time we spent together.

Moving beyond grief takes much patience and time. Grief itself is a heavy emotion that can involve many layers, depending on the circumstance. For Shasta, it is deep because she was my fur Baby for so long and I cared for her like a child. 

A plant with pink flowers and green leaves

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I am taking action to help process the grief of my kitty. Doing daily spiritual practices is helpful, such as reading spiritual literature. One of my favorite books is Creative Ideas by Ernest Holmes. He incorporates bible verses with new thought philosophy. My soul is refreshed each time I read this passage: “I am guided by an infinite intelligence, by an infinite love…” Spirit is infinite and all-inclusive; it can never be duplicated, as it is always expanding and changing. It is one that I am coming to terms with to depend on.

Another spiritual practice that has helped me process other challenging situations is praying aloud in my backyard among my mature succulents. This practice gets me out of myself and into the intention of what my words are. By speaking aloud and proclaiming, I connect to my Spiritual Source, whom I call Creator. When I’m done, I feel peace through my physical body, and I can see gratitude around me.

A card with a dog's face

All this work has changed my thinking. Science has proven that two objects cannot occupy the same space. The same is true for thoughts. Through the process of letting go, I have removed old, outdated beliefs, and replaced them with loving ones. Through this, my life is becoming more enlightened. I am free to pursue things I once felt were unattainable with greater ease. 

My new goals are to continue my release path and allow bigger and better things to enter and manifest in my life. I’m not sure what the future holds but I’m holding a loving intention as our planet moves through this transition. I realize that the struggles I have are only temporary and that as I work through the issues behind them, the pain fades. They say time heals so this gives me great hope for a miraculous future for all.

The letting go process this year has been an experience with many tears but has given me much relief. Holding on to the grief only stagnated my spiritual growth. Now I understand that Shasta and other ones are still here, but in a different space.

I close by saying I am embarking on my spiritual journey this month. I hold no expectations of what may arise, but I am open and optimistic for new things to enter my life. Grief may still surface, but I am ready to let it pass. Lifelong lasting memories will come forth while there. I am looking forward to new scenery in another country.

Blessings to you!

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